Published and Accepted Papers

The “Kill Zone”: When a Platform Copies To Eliminate a Potential Threat, joint with Massimo Motta, 2022.  Journal of Economics and Management Strategy. Forthcoming.

Horizontal Partial Cross Ownership and Innovation, joint with Yossi Spiegel. Journal of Industrial Economics. Forthcoming.

Search, Showrooming, and Retailer Variety, joint with Heski Bar-Isaac. Marketing Science, 42(2), 2022, 251-270. CEPR DP #15448. Press coverage here and here.

Price Competition with a Stake in your Rival, joint with Andres Hervas-Drane.  International Journal of Industrial Organization, 84, 2022 (EARIE special issue). CEPR DP #17350.

Bargaining at Retail Stores: Evidence from Vienna, joint with Joshua Sherman, Management Science, 68(1), 2022, 27-36. CEPR DP #14078. Online Appendix.

Under-promise and Over-Deliver? - Online Product Reviews and Firm Pricing, joint with Simon Martin, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 79, 2021. CEPR DP #16508.

A Generalized Model of Advertised Sales, joint with Chris Wilson,  American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 13(1), 2021,195-223. Working paper version: CEPR DP #14113.

Beliefs and Consumer Search in a Vertical Industry, joint with Maarten Janssen, Journal of the European Economic Association, 18(5), 2020, 2359–2393.

Consumer Search with Observational Learning, joint with Daniel Garcia, RAND Journal of Economics, 49(1), 2018, 224-253.

Collective Commitment, joint with Christian Roessler and Bruno Strulovici, Journal of Political Economy, 126(1), 2018, 347-380.

Consumer Search and Double Marginalization, joint with Maarten Janssen, American Economic Review, 105(6), 2015, 1683-1710.

Is the Competitor of My Competitor Also My Competitor?, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 21(4), 2012, 927-963.

Asymmetric Marginal Costs in Search Models, Economics Letters, 116(3), 2012, 551-553.

Multiproduct Pricing in Oligopoly, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 30(2), 2012, 231-242.

Bertrand Competition When Firms Hold Passive Ownership Stakes in One Another, joint with Yossi Spiegel, Economics Letters, 114(1), 2012, 136-138.

Working Papers

Monetizing Steering, joint with Heski Bar-Isaac. 2022. CEPR DP #17685. r&r requested by JPE Microeconomics.

Costly Participation and Default Allocations in All-Pay Contests, joint with Chris Wilson. 2022.

Retailer-led Marketplaces, joint with Andres Hervas-Drane, 2022. CEPR DP #17351. r&r requested by Management Science.

Work in Progress

Old Models: Delist or Discount?, joint with Joao Montez.

Older Papers

Imperfect Information in a Quality-competitive Hospital Market. A Comment on Gravelle and Sivey, 2012.

Quality Choice of Experience Goods, 2011.


Andres Hervas-Drane 

Heski Bar-Isaac

Daniel Garcia

Maarten Janssen

Simon Martin

Joao Montez

Massimo Motta

Christian Roessler

Joshua Sherman

Yossi Spiegel

Bruno Strulovici

Chris Wilson